The WOW of NOW!
What do we need to respond faithfully to these days? A reflection—
What do we need to respond faithfully to these days? A reflection—
This season inspires us to do and be our best. This service will explore the kindness of the season.
Paloma Furst Chavira will accompany our pianist Chris Ussery this Sunday during the service. JOIN US FOR A CONCERT AFTER THE SERVICE Paloma would like to thank the congregation for its generous support for her recent travel to France. There will be a short concert after the service at approximately 11:00am. Paloma will play accompanied by … Continue reading “The Memory of Trees: What can we learn from the forests of the earth?”
In 1568, for the first time on earth, religious freedom was granted by the first Unitarian Royalty. Bill and I will just have returned from two weeks in Transylvania. I will preach on what I learned.
The Editor of the Transcendentalist newspaper The Dial, Fuller was considered the brightest, most beautiful woman of her day.
This service will explore our connection with the beloved blue marble we live on.
This June is the 50th anniversary of my ordination into the UU Ministry. I want to reflect on what I have learned. We will have ice cream sundaes as a celebration during coffee hour.
This service will be built around a piece of music that Paloma Furst Chivera will be playing. The piece is by William Grant Still. Summerland is the Heaven of the Spirtualists. The sermon will be a reflection of some thought about heaven to accompany the music played by Paloma and Chris.
What might this ancient faith have to teach us? How might it make our lives more understandable? After the service and pot luck there will be a Tai Chi workshop. Denise Tracy and Bill Decker will lead the workshop. See Details in the February newsletter.
We will review those people who have died in 2023-the famous folk and those known to us in our personal lives.