The UUCC Board of Trustees has lifted Covid restrictions in the church. The congregation can determine their own level of risk and any need to continue to wear a mask in public settings.
The only exception to this will be when we have in-church speakers who may request that congregants wear a mask during their service. We will notify you ahead of time if this occurs. We have also reinstated the practice of monthly Community Potlucks after service on the first Sunday of each month.
Google Map
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
70 Sycamore Drive
Park Forest, IL 60466
(708) 481-5339
February Office Hours:
Admin onsite Tues & Thurs. 1:00- 5:00pm
Call Mon. through Fri. 10:00am - 10:00pm with questions, to schedule a rental, or to make an appointment to view the building.
Please call in advance so we know to expect you.
August 29th
“To Be Determined”